Тангара новый логотип 02

  Группа компаний“TANGARA”

Наша базовая концепция – win-win

Мы понимаем, уважаем и учитываем интересы всех наших контрагентов



Company group “TANGARA”

Our basic concept – win-win

We understand, respect and take into account interests of all counterparties


Industrial  construction

General construction works

Specialized works:

  • Production and technical department
  • Electrical installation work
  • Low-current work

Installation of internal and external networks:

  • Heating, water supply, sewerage, ventilation

Welding works of any complexity and installation of industrial metal structures.


About the company

For those who are looking for a reliable engineering company

The extensive experience of the staff of Company Group "Tangara" allows us to work with high quality and high efficiency. Having a professionally qualified management team, industry knowledge and work experience at various facilities, we use qualified technologies and support. Thanks to an ambitious dynamic team, we are on the way to becoming one of the leading companies. We work and help each client to find a “middle ground” between client’s dream and what can really be realized. We are effective only when our clients succeed.

About us

A creative, experienced, ambitious and confident team.

The key to our confidence is not only in the level of professionalism, qualifications and responsibility of our specialists, but also in the extensive and successful experience of implementing various construction projects.

The extensive experience of the staff in the market is a good, objective indicator of stability and success based on consumer trust.

We have earned this trust, firstly, by high professionalism, and secondly, by openness and honesty: we fundamentally stand on the position that mutual benefit is better and more reliable than any deception.

We do not pursue a low price, sacrificing quality, we do not participate in the competition: "who will build worse, but cheaper". Reliability and durability are more important for us.


Our team is a reliable, verified and debugged mechanism that will allow you not only to complete each of the stages in the shortest possible time and without loss, but also guarantees exact compliance with all your expectations, the highest quality and complete psychological comfort in the process of cooperation.


Baranov Sergey
Сompanion of the initiative group for the creation of the project - Tangara Group of Companies
Tangara Group of Companies
Pronin Andrey
Сompanion of the initiative group for the creation of the project - Tangara Group of Companies
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