Тангара новый логотип 02

  Группа компаний“TANGARA”

Наша базовая концепция – win-win

Мы понимаем, уважаем и учитываем интересы всех наших контрагентов


Главная>English>Our services>Production and technical department

Production and technical department

The work of the company's specialists on the territory of the Russian Federation by the method of partial presence at the Customer's facility includes:

- A group of specialists arrives at the facility, performs an audit of the working documentation, as well as completed, current and planned volumes.

- Return to the office and form technical solutions for making changes to the design and working documentation, then prepare the executive documentation.

- Coordinate with all Customer services remotely, eliminating the identified comments.

- Complete the agreed documentation in folders and return to the facility for protection in front of the Customer.

Each of the described methods of work helps to catch up with the backlog in the delivery of executive documentation, strengthen your production and technical department’s staff at the facility, optimize the production processes of structural units, eliminate the occurrence of downtime of personnel and technical means, direct funds to achieve maximum efficiency and receive timely payment from the Customer.

Мы работаем в режиме 24/7, звоните или пишите нам на почту.
Режим работы
Пн-Пт: с 09:00 до 18:00 (c 13.00 до 22.00 Время Московское)
г. Томск
ул., Смирнова, 7/14, оф., 14
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